Our work

For our members

For our members

  • We encourage cooperation and exchange of good practices between our members by organizing regular meetings of four working groups: social work, legal counseling, advocacy & lobbying and communication & media.
  • We participate in and initiate meetings with relevant stakeholders among politicians, civil servants, experts, businesspeople, academics and others.
  • We organize professional trainings and workshops on topics relevant to the work of our member organizations.
For the public

For the public

  • We organize debates and seminars on the most relevant topics today.
  • We prepare policy reports and research compilations on varied topics connected to migrations.
  • We hold cultural events and educational activities.
For journalists

For journalists

  • We hold special meetings for journalists and publish press releases on topics of immediate relevance and with a long-term reach.
  • We provide background materials on migration-related topics and contacts among experts in the field.
  • We offer training workshops for publications.



Verification of a partial solution for personnel stabilisation in the health sector through foreign workers OPZ+ 10/2023–09/2025 Consortium is involved in the National Centre for Nursing and Non-Medical Health Professions project. The project is testing a proposal for a partial solution to staff stabilisation in the health sector through the involvement of workers from abroad. The testing is comprehensive, ranging from recruitment and motivation to work in the health sector, through training to employment in the health sector, and includes both support for workers from abroad and support for health service providers. The output will be a set of recommended practices for effective engagement of skilled health workers from abroad.
Legal and social counselling for applicants for international protection OP AMIF 03/2024–03/2026 The project aims to provide free legal and social counselling for the target group, which consists of applicants for international protection and foreigners who are tolerated on the territory of the Czech Republic, with special attention to vulnerable persons. The project enables stable and regular functioning of counselling points in the facilities of the Refugee Facilities Administration and in the territory and legal counselling depending on the individual life situation of the client. Counselling in the project is provided by The Organization for Aid to Refugees and the Association for Integration and Migration.
Legal advice for people who do not meet the conditions for entry or residence OP AMIF 03/2024–09/2025 The project provides free legal assistance in the return process to third-country nationals who (no longer) meet the conditions for entry or residence in the Czech Republic and to applicants for international protection in the event that they are placed in the Facilities for the Detention of Foreigners and have been issued a decision on the obligation to leave the territory. The project increases the efficiency of returns, contributes to the management of migration flows and implements common asylum and immigration policies while respecting the rights and principles of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Counselling in the project is provided by The Organization for Aid to Refugees and the Association for Integration and Migration.
Healthy umbrella, strong network OPZ+ 01/2024–12/2025 The aim of the project is to stabilize Consortium as an umbrella organization for 20 major NGOs working on migration and integration of people with migration experience. Another objective is to systematize the Consortium's activities, thereby strengthening its existing role in linking communication between the civil society, human rights sector and migration policy makers. The project will also support the use of the potential of existing platforms - especially the database of integration projects to provide an overview of activities and projects supporting the integration of foreigners in the Czech Republic, not only within the network.
Education of migrants in schools and its impact on successful integration into Czech society TA ČR 09/2023–11/2026 Consortium is a partner of the project of the Institute of Sociology CAS. Its aim is to identify the current situation and the main barriers to language training for foreign pupils in primary and secondary schools and to propose measures to remove them, to highlight the opportunities of the system and the possibilities of their support. Another objective is to identify the barriers to the transition of foreign pupils from primary to secondary schools and to identify and compare the reasons for early drop-out from secondary education by Czech and foreign pupils.
Needs analysis of foreign citizens and the Municipality of Prague 10 Municipality of Prague 10 01/2024–11/2024 For the Municipality of Prague 10 we are preparing an analysis of the needs of foreign citizens and other actors in the field of migrant integration. On the basis of these analyses, we will propose measures to include their needs in the concept of family policy and the community plan for social services. Recommendations will also be made on how to incorporate the topic of integration of foreign citizens into the regular activities of the municipality.
Refugees from Ukraine and Czech municipalities in 2023 IOM 10/2023–06/2024 In cooperation with the IOM, the Ministry of Regional Development and the Association of Local Authorities, we conducted this research to find out how Czech municipalities managed the presence of refugees on their territory during 2023, what problems they encountered and what practices they developed to support coexistence with refugees.

Projects news

Publications and positions

Data, statistics and analyses