For our members
- We encourage cooperation and exchange of good practices between our members by organizing regular meetings of four working groups: social work, legal counseling, advocacy & lobbying and communication & media.
- We participate in and initiate meetings with relevant stakeholders among politicians, civil servants, experts, businesspeople, academics and others.
- We organize professional trainings and workshops on topics relevant to the work of our member organizations.

For the public
- We organize debates and seminars on the most relevant topics today.
- We prepare policy reports and research compilations on varied topics connected to migrations.
- We hold cultural events and educational activities.

For journalists
- We hold special meetings for journalists and publish press releases on topics of immediate relevance and with a long-term reach.
- We provide background materials on migration-related topics and contacts among experts in the field.
- We offer training workshops for publications.
No records have been found.
Legal and social counselling for applicants for international protection | OP AMIF | 03/2024–03/2026 | The project aims to provide free legal and social counselling for the target group, which consists of applicants for international protection and foreigners who are tolerated on the territory of the Czech Republic, with special attention to vulnerable persons. The project enables stable and regular functioning of counselling points in the facilities of the Refugee Facilities Administration and in the territory and legal counselling depending on the individual life situation of the client. Counselling in the project is provided by The Organization for Aid to Refugees and the Association for Integration and Migration. |
Legal advice for people who do not meet the conditions for entry or residence | OP AMIF | 03/2024–09/2025 | The project provides free legal assistance in the return process to third-country nationals who (no longer) meet the conditions for entry or residence in the Czech Republic and to applicants for international protection in the event that they are placed in the Facilities for the Detention of Foreigners and have been issued a decision on the obligation to leave the territory. The project increases the efficiency of returns, contributes to the management of migration flows and implements common asylum and immigration policies while respecting the rights and principles of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Counselling in the project is provided by The Organization for Aid to Refugees and the Association for Integration and Migration. |
Healthy umbrella, strong network | OPZ+ | 01/2024–12/2025 | The aim of the project is to stabilize Consortium as an umbrella organization for 20 major NGOs working on migration and integration of people with migration experience. Another objective is to systematize the Consortium's activities, thereby strengthening its existing role in linking communication between the civil society, human rights sector and migration policy makers. The project will also support the use of the potential of existing platforms - especially the database of integration projects to provide an overview of activities and projects supporting the integration of foreigners in the Czech Republic, not only within the network. |
Education of migrants in schools and its impact on successful integration into Czech society | TA ČR | 09/2023–11/2026 | Consortium is a partner of the project of the Institute of Sociology CAS. Its aim is to identify the current situation and the main barriers to language training for foreign pupils in primary and secondary schools and to propose measures to remove them, to highlight the opportunities of the system and the possibilities of their support. Another objective is to identify the barriers to the transition of foreign pupils from primary to secondary schools and to identify and compare the reasons for early drop-out from secondary education by Czech and foreign pupils. |
The NGO sector as a strong partner for the integration of foreigners | EPIM | 06/2024–06/2025 | In the project we want to reflect the developments of the last two years and formulate positive findings and conceptually evaluate the role of the non-governmental sector and other actors in the reformulation of the new migration and integration policy. The current project will create a space for an intensive discussion among member organisations on the mainstreaming of services for migrants and will look for inspiration in inclusive European cities. The discussion among Consortium members will result in critical feedback on current integration policies and an updated Consortium Advocacy Plan. This project has been supported by the European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM), a collaborative initiative of the Network of European Foundations (NEF). |
Legal and social counselling for applicants for international protection | OP AMIF | 03/2024–03/2026 | The project aims to provide free legal and social counselling for the target group, which consists of applicants for international protection and foreigners who are tolerated on the territory of the Czech Republic, with special attention to vulnerable persons. The project enables stable and regular functioning of counselling points in the facilities of the Refugee Facilities Administration and in the territory and legal counselling depending on the individual life situation of the client. Counselling in the project is provided by The Organization for Aid to Refugees and the Association for Integration and Migration. |
Legal advice for people who do not meet the conditions for entry or residence | OP AMIF | 03/2024–09/2025 | The project provides free legal assistance in the return process to third-country nationals who (no longer) meet the conditions for entry or residence in the Czech Republic and to applicants for international protection in the event that they are placed in the Facilities for the Detention of Foreigners and have been issued a decision on the obligation to leave the territory. The project increases the efficiency of returns, contributes to the management of migration flows and implements common asylum and immigration policies while respecting the rights and principles of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Counselling in the project is provided by The Organization for Aid to Refugees and the Association for Integration and Migration. |
Healthy umbrella, strong network | OPZ+ | 01/2024–12/2025 | The aim of the project is to stabilize Consortium as an umbrella organization for 20 major NGOs working on migration and integration of people with migration experience. Another objective is to systematize the Consortium's activities, thereby strengthening its existing role in linking communication between the civil society, human rights sector and migration policy makers. The project will also support the use of the potential of existing platforms - especially the database of integration projects to provide an overview of activities and projects supporting the integration of foreigners in the Czech Republic, not only within the network. |
Education of migrants in schools and its impact on successful integration into Czech society | TA ČR | 09/2023–11/2026 | Consortium is a partner of the project of the Institute of Sociology CAS. Its aim is to identify the current situation and the main barriers to language training for foreign pupils in primary and secondary schools and to propose measures to remove them, to highlight the opportunities of the system and the possibilities of their support. Another objective is to identify the barriers to the transition of foreign pupils from primary to secondary schools and to identify and compare the reasons for early drop-out from secondary education by Czech and foreign pupils. |
Update of the Prague Integration Projects Database | City of Prague | 01/2024–12/2024 | The main objective of the project is to create a systematic overview of the scope of activities supporting the integration of foreigners in the territory of the Capital City of Prague. Prague, including the possibilities of financing integration activities. In this regard, we will systematically support the principle of evidence-based policy-making in the field of integration of foreigners and by creating analytical documents we will increase the awareness of the main actors of integration in the territory of the capital city of Prague. |
Needs analysis of foreign citizens and the Municipality of Prague 10 | Municipality of Prague 10 | 01/2024–11/2024 | For the Municipality of Prague 10 we are preparing an analysis of the needs of foreign citizens and other actors in the field of migrant integration. On the basis of these analyses, we will propose measures to include their needs in the concept of family policy and the community plan for social services. Recommendations will also be made on how to incorporate the topic of integration of foreign citizens into the regular activities of the municipality. |
Refugees from Ukraine and Czech municipalities in 2023 | IOM | 10/2023–06/2024 | In cooperation with the IOM, the Ministry of Regional Development and the Association of Local Authorities, we conducted this research to find out how Czech municipalities managed the presence of refugees on their territory during 2023, what problems they encountered and what practices they developed to support coexistence with refugees. |
The NGO sector as a strong partner for the integration of foreigners | EPIM | 06/2024–06/2025 | In the project we want to reflect the developments of the last two years and formulate positive findings and conceptually evaluate the role of the non-governmental sector and other actors in the reformulation of the new migration and integration policy. The current project will create a space for an intensive discussion among member organisations on the mainstreaming of services for migrants and will look for inspiration in inclusive European cities. The discussion among Consortium members will result in critical feedback on current integration policies and an updated Consortium Advocacy Plan. This project has been supported by the European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM), a collaborative initiative of the Network of European Foundations (NEF). |
Public offers of help at pomahejukrajine.cz | MHMP J&T Foundation |
01/2023—12/2023 | Web platform “Pomáhej Ukrajině” (Help Ukraine) is an online tool matching public offers of help in various areas (material aid, education, leisure-time activities, housing, psychological aid etc.) and needs of both individual refugees from Ukraine, and organizations dealing with assistance to migrants. Consortium also continues in providing newsletters informing and raising awareness of integration actors, stakeholders as well as the general public. |
Refugees from Ukraine and Czech municipalities in 2023 | IOM | 10/2023–06/2024 | In cooperation with the IOM, the Ministry of Regional Development and the Association of Local Authorities, we conducted this research to find out how Czech municipalities managed the presence of refugees on their territory during 2023, what problems they encountered and what practices they developed to support coexistence with refugees. |
Integrating Ukrainian Refugees in the Czech Republic: Strengthening CSOs’ Capacities to Provide Assistance and Advocacy | EPIM | 01/2023—12/2023 | The aim of the project is to maintain and strengthen capacities of NGOs in the area of integration of refugees from Ukraine - advocacy, providing assistance and improving its standards. The project is a key to sustain support to integration of refugees from Ukraine also during 2023. Consortium as well as its nine member organizations are beneficiaries. |
Building fair migration policy | ACF | 03/2020—03/2023 | We strive to reach the change in the area of migration, asylum, and integration policy and legislation in the Czech Republic through the combination of advocacy, analytical and informative activities. We will strengthen, with the support data analyses and strategic litigation, the protection of rights of migrants, prevent decreasing of human rights standards in the area of migration and strengthen cooperation with stakeholders, which are not present in the debate. Through these changes and partnerships the pro integration climate in Czech society will be created. |
Skills for Employment | IKEA | 01/2021—08/2023 | The aim of the project is to support refugees, international protection holders, stateless and people of concern in finding jobs. Consortium is also to provide training for IKEA staff and assistance for the HR department. |
Pomáhej Ukrajině | People in Need Livesport MV ČR Livesport |
02/2022—12/2022 | Web platform “Pomáhej Ukrajině” (Help Ukraine) is an online tool matching public offers of help in various areas (material aid, tutoring, transport, translation, housing, psychological aid etc.) and needs of both individual refugees from Ukraine, and organizations dealing with assistance to migrants. Consortium also provides newsletters informing and raising awareness of involved actors and stakeholders. |
Building fair migration policy | ACF | 03/2020—03/2023 | We strive to reach the change in the area of migration, asylum, and integration policy and legislation in the Czech Republic through the combination of advocacy, analytical and informative activities. We will strengthen, with the support data analyses and strategic litigation, the protection of rights of migrants, prevent decreasing of human rights standards in the area of migration and strengthen cooperation with stakeholders, which are not present in the debate. Through these changes and partnerships the pro integration climate in Czech society will be created. |
Skills for Employment | IKEA | 01/2021—08/2023 | The aim of the project is to support refugees, international protection holders, stateless and people of concern in finding jobs. Consortium is also to provide training for IKEA staff and assistance for the HR department. |
Evaluation of projects funded by EU from 2014 to 2020 | MMR | 1/2020—07/2021 | Through quantitative and qualitative research, our aim is to reveal content and targets of projects of migrant integration, funded by EU programmes. We strive to identify their contribution to implementation of Partnership Agreement and The Policy for the Integration of Foreign Nationals as well as good practices. |
Building fair migration policy | ACF | 03/2020—03/2023 | We strive to reach the change in the area of migration, asylum, and integration policy and legislation in the Czech Republic through the combination of advocacy, analytical and informative activities. We will strengthen, with the support data analyses and strategic litigation, the protection of rights of migrants, prevent decreasing of human rights standards in the area of migration and strengthen cooperation with stakeholders, which are not present in the debate. Through these changes and partnerships the pro integration climate in Czech society will be created. |
Skills for Employment | IKEA | 01/2021—08/2023 | The aim of the project is to support refugees, international protection holders, stateless and people of concern in finding jobs. Consortium is also to provide training for IKEA staff and assistance for the HR department. |
Evaluation of projects funded by EU from 2014 to 2020 | MMR | 01/2020—07/2021 | Through quantitative and qualitative research, our aim is to reveal content and targets of projects of migrant integration, funded by EU programmes. We strive to identify their contribution to implementation of Partnership Agreement and The Policy for the Integration of Foreign Nationals as well as good practices. |
Building fair migration policy | ACF | 03/2020—03/2023 | We strive to reach the change in the area of migration, asylum, and integration policy and legislation in the Czech Republic through the combination of advocacy, analytical and informative activities. We will strengthen, with the support data analyses and strategic litigation, the protection of rights of migrants, prevent decreasing of human rights standards in the area of migration and strengthen cooperation with stakeholders, which are not present in the debate. Through these changes and partnerships the pro integration climate in Czech society will be created. |
Training of intercultural workers | MHMP | 05/2020—012/2020 | The project follows up a successful training of intercultural workers, developing their knowledge, professionalism and improving their usability for the local administration and municipalities. Raising the awareness of public officers at the Prague City Hall also forms part of the project. |
International Migran’s Day 2020 | MHMP | 05/2020—12/2020 | The project aims at promoting the International Migran’s Day within the general public. It presents the creativity of migrants residing in the Czech Republic and accentuates enriching aspects of diversity. The event is the opportunity for informal meetings and networking of migrants, general public as well as migration and integration stakeholders. |
Projects news
Poslanecký návrh zákona o zpřísnění migrace? Nebezpečné obcházení legislativního procesu ze strany vlády
Vládní koalice 7. března 2025 oznámila záměr předložit návrh zákona, který dle premiéra Fialy: “zpřísňuje opatření v oblasti migrace na… číst dále
Tři roky dočasné ochrany v EU: Čas na dlouhodobá řešení
Před třemi lety EU aktivovala směrnici o dočasné ochraně a poskytla tak bezpečné útočiště milionům lidí prchajících před válkou na… číst dále
Soudní dvůr Evropské unie se zastal uprchlíků z Ukrajiny, kterým Česko odmítlo udělit dočasnou ochranu
Ve věci C-753/23 Krasiliva rozhodl, že česká právní úprava odporuje evropskému právu. Tím dal za pravdu neziskovým organizacím, které na… číst dále
Od potravinové pomoci k velkým infrastrukturním projektům. Přes 3,6 milionů Ukrajinců a Ukrajinek získalo humanitární pomoc z Česka
Z distribuce potravin nebo oblečení na začátku války se největší české i mezinárodní humanitární organizace přesunuly k velkým infrastrukturním projektům. Mají za… číst dále
LEX Ukrajina VII: Na sociální dávky příchozí z Ukrajiny nedosáhnou, i když do systému přispívají víc než dostávají
Návrh zákona tzv. Lex Ukrajina VII, který nyní čeká na druhé čtení v Poslanecké sněmovně, umožní části uprchlíků z Ukrajiny… číst dále
Poslanci chtějí udělat z žadatelů o občanství z Ruska bezpečnostní hrozbu. I z těch, co tu dlouhodobě žijí a angažují se v pomoci Ukrajině
V souvislosti s novelou zákona tzv. lex Ukrajina VII, která je v současné době projednávána v Poslanecké sněmovně, byl výborem… číst dále
Publications and positions
Tři roky dočasné ochrany v EU: Čas na dlouhodobá řešení
Před třemi lety EU aktivovala směrnici o dočasné ochraně a poskytla tak bezpečné útočiště milionům lidí prchajících před válkou na… číst dále
Soudní dvůr Evropské unie se zastal uprchlíků z Ukrajiny, kterým Česko odmítlo udělit dočasnou ochranu
Ve věci C-753/23 Krasiliva rozhodl, že česká právní úprava odporuje evropskému právu. Tím dal za pravdu neziskovým organizacím, které na… číst dále

Co se osvědčilo českým obcím v přístupu k ukrajinským uprchlíkům v roce 2023
V únoru a březnu 2024 realizovalo Konsorcium nevládních organizací pracujících s migranty za podpory Mezinárodní organizace pro migraci dotazníkové šetření… číst dále
Otevřený dopis pro ministra Jurečku ohledně podpory ukrajinských uprchlíků
Dopis shrnující výhrady vůči současnému a chystanému systému podpory uprchlíků z Ukrajiny. Apeluje na konkrétní změny, které je potřeba ze… číst dále
Přehled strategických dokumentů ČR a EU v oblasti integrace cizinců
Jak Česká republika přistupuje k integraci cizinců na svém území, je formulováno v Koncepci integrace cizinců. Koncepce vznikla v roce… číst dále
Stát nechrání zranitelné skupiny uprchlíků. Jejich nezaviněné dluhy z ubytování chce řešit mimořádnou dávkou pomoci (MOP)
Jak interpretovat lex Ukrajina V diskutovala ministerstva během září. Nejasnosti panovaly ohledně podmínek uznání zranitelnosti, která uprchlíkům umožňuje získat nárok… číst dále

Děti s dlouhodobým pobytem budou od 1. 1. 2024 účastníky veřejného zdravotního pojištění
Od 1. 1. 2024 budou děti mladší 18 let, které mají platné povolení k dlouhodobému pobytu na území ČR, nově… číst dále
Změny v systému podpory uprchlíků od 1. 7. 2023: méně podpory pro uprchlíky i pro solidární domácnosti
Od 1. 7. 2023 vstupují v účinnost některá ustanovení lex Ukrajina V. Přinášejí konec finanční podpory solidárních domácností, omezení hromadného… číst dále