Consortium of Migrants Assisting NNOs in the Czech Republic

The Consortium was founded in 2003 as an umbrella organization for a group of NGOs which promote the rights of foreign nationals in the Czech Republic. Together we strive to set conditions for foreigners to live a fulfilling life under fair conditions. The eighteen organizations we currently represent provide humanitarian aid as well as legal and social counselling to migrants, raise public awareness and promote intercultural dialogue. The Consortium coordinates cooperation among its member NGOs and builds a network with other stakeholders in the migration sector.

The Consortium draws on the experience, expertise and research of its members, in order to analyze current trends and articulate expert evidence-based suggestions to policy makers. We partner with public authorities, international organizations, educational institutions and the media.

Our Mission

We represent

We represent

twenty major NGOs involved in migration and integration of people with migration background. We coordinate mutual cooperation, we speak on behalf of our member organizations, and we build partnerships with the state administration and the media.

We promote

We promote

an open and tolerant society based on respect for diversity. Our goal is a confident society which is open to migrants and provides them with fair conditions for decent quality of life. The Czech Republic can build on the positive experience of migrant integration over the last quarter of a century as well as on strong democratic values.

We connect

We connect

the civil society, state administration, and academia. We initiate communication and we provide suggestions to the state administration based on the experience and findings of the NGO experts in the field. We comment on draft legislation, and we monitor the migration and integration sector  closely, while making our suggestions and recommendations available to the media.

Member organisations

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